
Showing posts from December, 2016

Navispam - A random encounter with Spankyhunter!

One Night in Karazhan

A 4th Legendary - too much to choose!

Guildies - Canberra meetup

A slew of pre-Winter veil achievements

Raiding - Last raid before Winter Veil

I tanked an LFR! Should I tank Heroic EN tonight?

RAOK - Heliosus in Dalaran

Winter Veil 2017 is here!

I prefer how everyone else sees Broll Bearmantle

Minipost: I want these shoes!

Raiding - Last Sunday raid as we wind down for holidays

Minipost:Ronda and Vin playing WoW

Raiding - Downing the Guardian to the gates of Hel(ya)

Why I should have done my Guardian weapon before!

Mythic plus and my Moonkin hidden appearance

Silly broken world quests!

Raiding - Yay Odyn down!

More things I didn't notice in my class hall...