
Showing posts from February, 2012

PVP ranting and unfair Mods

When is your say less important than what others say?

Aza's hawt plate

Guildie Guest Spot Voe - Resto Shamans for Dummies - Chapter 1: Intro

Reunited - A world of warcraft video

Ironavie - Chapter 2 - 13 is an unlucky number

Ironnavie Chapter 1 - Level 1 to 10

Introducing Ironavie

Highlights of the Week from my Blogroll February 26, 2012

How 25 man raids are going the way of the 40 man raids

New Rares this week

Thursday raiding - working on heroic Zon'ozz

Wednesday raiding - Not given the opportunity to strut our stuff...

More Hawt Plate

Face to Face with the 2 bloggers from Labyrinth of Lost Souls

12293 Fish caught, 16263 other things caught

Love is in the Air - video

Blogger you bugger, and other dumb things I did today

Monday raiding - Slayers of Stupid, Incompetent and Disappointing Minions