
Showing posts from May, 2012

Wednesday raiding - the nail in the coffin

WoW Newbie blogger link love - My last #MMONBI post

Air'ka's turn to play - Deelablow

For the love of Warlock

Minipost: Look at my new shiny banner!

Monday raiding - OMG we raided!

Moggers on the streets of Dath - Zen's alts

Arena tournament - We are Borg. We will adapt.

#MMONBI post 3 - Supporting other bloggers - is there a blogroll etiquette?

Arena tournament - farming and being farmed

Highlights from my Blogroll March 27,2012

Minipost: Malware and virus warnings on my site

Mog busting Chatmay

Thursday raiding - not happening!

25 May is Geek Pride Day!

Supreme Nerd Navimie

WoW Love in all its forms is no less intoxicating