Here is my collection of guild antics, pretty scenery, boss kills and silly things. You can click them to get a higher resolution picture!
Just remember all these pics and vids are screen captures from World of Warcraft (and thus technically © Blizzard Entertainment). For personal use only!
Frosties in Kara
Frosties in ICC
Frosties in Cataclysm
Roshii and Souglyy - Best Friends
Reunited - music is Blizzard's "Taverns" played by Shabadu and Beauti
Ayelena Fires it up
Frostwolves in Dragon Soul
Frostwolves come to Saurfang (Throne of Thunder)
Xyn with his Arch bug mount
Holding rats in Zul'Gurub
Just remember all these pics and vids are screen captures from World of Warcraft (and thus technically © Blizzard Entertainment). For personal use only!
Frosties come to Dath'remar video - back in BC
Frosties in Kara
Frosties in Cataclysm
Roshii and Souglyy - Best Friends
Reunited - music is Blizzard's "Taverns" played by Shabadu and Beauti
Ayelena Fires it up
Frostwolves in Dragon Soul
Frostwolves come to Saurfang (Throne of Thunder)
Dark Phoenixes
Mountains of Mammoths - WOTLK (ICC)
Kor'kron annihilators after killing Al'Akir
Moopie getting Shadowmourne - WOTLK (ICC)
Auriyah 10 man - WOTLK (Ulduar)
Kologarn 25 - WOTLK (Ulduar)
Frosties on Frostwolves - WOTLK (OS)
Ironbound Protodrakes, Orgrimmar
Xyn with his Arch bug mount
Holding rats in Zul'Gurub
Sulfuron Spire Mount Hyjal
Statues in Uldum
Vortex Pinnacle Uldum
Therazane's Throne, Deepholm
Bastion of Twilight, Twilight Highlands
Orgrimmar in Cataclysm
Dark Portal
Orgrimmar in Cataclysm
Nordrassil - Mount Hyjal
Wailing Caverns - Southern Barrens
Waterworks - Battle for Gilneas
Farm - Arathi Basin
Kodo graveyard - Desolace
Lighthouse - Westfall (ugh the rain!)
Twilight Ridge - Nagrand
Penguins - Borean Tundra
Pic by Aza - totally awesome!