
Showing posts from July, 2014

Guildleader chores: A proposition and an avid guild discussion

The Warlock T3 Fish mog

Our first Guildie with the Dark Shaman mog!

A female tauren's thoughts on the new tauren female model

Hearthstone - Navi's adventures in the Arachid quarter of Curse of Naxxrammas

Navispam - Plenty of places to look for Paladins

Raiding - You can still F-up and have Dino Breakfast

Non WoW: That feeling when you realise you're WRONG

Raiding - Getting better on Thok!

I guess I DO have a bucket list!

Navispam - Lurking in Kal's corner

Raiding - We all live in a SoO Sub-marine

Guildleader chores - More thoughts on recruiting.

Guildies: Frostwolves First World Problems