
Showing posts from June, 2017

Raiding - Sisters and Host were TOAST!

Prestige 13 - Floor Thirteen

Raiding - OMG back to 4 days of raiding!

Secret achievements - They See Me Rolling

Raiding - First look in Tomb of Sargeras

Raiding - Trial of Valour achieves (don't try this alone!)

Raiding - Goodbye Nighthold!

Minipost: Resto Legendary #10 - The Dark Titan's Advice

The First Satyr's Spaulders needs a decent mog!

Microholiday - Boat Day

Guildleader Chores - You can only have 1000 toons in a guild? Darn it!

How the hell did people figure out this Riddler's Mind Worm?

Raiding - Not bored of it yet! Well... almost

Prestige 12 - Demonic Dozen