Sunday raiding - Our first one night clear on normal yay!
Well, that's a first! That was pretty cool. We were on alts for most of the run and then switched to mains for Jaina. A bit of an anticlimax since nobody NEEDS anything from Jaina.
Crooked's tanking is coming along really well, and he enjoys it - probably a nice change from playing his shaman. Splatz got to DPS and his pally DPS is just nuts so he's having a ball doing that too.
I am trying to practice my DPS on my druid but I am still a bit lame, but I'm trying!
No G.M.O.D. Darn, is that mount going to be like that neck that Crooked got from Argus? What was it again?? Oh yeah... Amanthul's Vision. We only ever got one of those to drop.
I've enjoyed Sundays, it's been pretty relaxed. Once heroic Jaina is dead I can start doing achievements....
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