Minipost - Legion Cook


And I still haven't gotten all my 3 star recipes from Nomi yet. I got sick of wasting my food on him, though now with those extra cooking things that drop (Prepared Ingredients) I guess I should start putting work orders in again.

I would have been maxxed cooking sooner if I quit outsourcing my cooking to people with the 3 star recipe for Azshari Salad. Thanks Amelior!


  1. If you don't want to use up valuable food mats with Nomi's work orders, use something common like the wildfowl eggs. When you "use" a stack of 10 prepared food, there's a chance to get any unlearned recipes. I've been doing this instead of trying for targetted three-star recipe work orders since it was draining my useful mats while I had 1000 eggs sitting in my reagent bank.


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