Raiding - Chopping and changing for a fairer go!

First raid of the raid week!  Boy was I excited.  And this time I didn't need to be woken up!

I logged on early and got myself organised and started inviting people to raid.  For the first time in a while, we had more than our quota and I wanted to make sure everyone was feeling included.

Tanks: Aimei, Kyjenn, Raked
Healers: Cranked, Navimie, Priestietute
DPS: Azadelta, Sevrus, Sabrehawk, Luxygaga, Moopiex, Voros

I made Cranked/Asys sit out for the first two because I coudn't face his awful dispels for Protectors again LOL.  And then I thought I would get to have a nice break and sit out for the other two bosses and come back for Galakras.  Sev sat out for the first two.

So off we went to do Immerseus.  Poor Priestie was having a derp day because she died not once, but TWICE and left that whole side with no healers.  I was thinking it was going to be pretty pathetic because when we get to the final stages I can only heal that many blobs so it's going to go SLOW but it wasn't as terrible as I thought - time does go by quickly when you're having fun solo healing... Raked grumbled again at the lack of weapon - I wonder if it even exists.

Protectors was messy.  I was buoyed when Priestie did the first dispel but after that it was like being with Asys.  Fortunately we made it and I was worried about no mana but it worked out ok in the end. I will have to tell Asys that he's not the only one to be on the end of the "ARE YOU GUYS DISPELLING?"

Az sat out for Norushen and we got Cranked in to heal.  It was messy but we got it.  Not as messy as Sha of Pride though!  That felt like a lucky scrape.

Onward to Galakras and Az ended up sitting out for the rest of the raid, which he didn't mind.  I got Luxy back in and asked Kyxyn to sit out for Aimei to tank up a bit.  And we wiped on the first go but managed to get it eventually on the second go.  Or was it the third go?

But would you believe that Iron Juggernaut was giving us issues yesterday!  I got Kyxyn back in and had Moo sit out and I don't know what was going on but we wiped twice.  The third time it was better, just like all our other previous attempts but that left no time for Dark Shaman, so hopefully we can get that down tonight and work on Nazgrim.

You may wonder why I did so much disruption to a raid, swapping people back in and out all the time. I did want everyone to raid... but it was hard to make everyone fit!  Fortunately everyone was really good natured about it - I only sat people out of bosses that they didn't need any loot from and brought them back for ones they did.  Kyxyn actually whispered me and said that he thought it was a good idea and I was glad - Aza was the one who sat out the most, but he really wanted first wing anyway as he says all the fire mage destro lock BIS stuff dropped there.  I did want to sit out but I wasn't allowed to! So I felt bad, wondering if people thought that I was making it good for myself, but I really think it's important to try to gear up our reserve raiders otherwise constantly sitting out means they will stop turning up.  Though, what amazes me is Sabrehawk, whom I swear never loots anything and seems to somehow magically ROLL everything he needs, isn't way up there on the loot priority.  I think it's because of the decay.  Which reminds me I haven't decayed it for ages.

At least there were loots to be had!  Sabre rolled a bow, and Priestie got a new healing neck.  Aimei picked up a nice mace and Voros got bracers and a cloak that will be replaced in a week or two.  Tonight will be interesting as Priestie said she won't be home in time to raid


  1. Aza was the one who sat out the most, but he really wanted first wing anyway as he says all the fire mage destro lock BIS stuff dropped there.

    Oooohhh nice burn, Navi. :D

    I really think it's important to try to gear up our reserve raiders otherwise constantly sitting out means they will stop turning up.

    Indeed. Though ultimately it can be more disruptive to do it that way, as you tend to lose time swapping people in and out, you really need to ask everyone what they would prefer: sitting people out on a fight-per-fight basis, or sitting people out on a night-per-night basis? Each comes with its own scheduling and balancing headaches, but if you make sure everyone knows what system you are using, and if you have invited preferences from everyone involved, then you can at least know you have made the best decision under the circumstances.

    1. You're right, I should have asked if that was what people would prefer. Silly me, I will ask next time. I think there was minimal down time doing that especially with trash to clear, and if anyone really wanted to sit for the whole night, they would have said so. I'm not that scary, people are always bossing me around!


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