Navispam - A real life catchup with Joubran!

I was off jetsetting again, and went to Malaysia for my cousin's wedding last weekend- I spent most of my time eating, so if you want to see more food pics you can see them here.

However, one of the awesome things about going there was that I was going to the hometown of my friend Joubran!  She hasn't been online much since her account got suspended after she changed her phone and had authenticator issues - it's always hard on the Oceanic side to call Blizzard to sort out your account because when you're free to call they're all sleeping and when they're open, you're working or sleeping.  So she hasn't been on in ages.

We went out to eat and then hit the mall for more food and then we ended up at the bookstore and she told me how much she loves reading the WoW fiction but hadn't read the latest one -Tides ofWar - so we looked for it and found two copies.  So I bought both copies and we signed each other's books so we could be book twins and have a souvenir of our visit.

It was a great opportunity to catch up with my friend - I hope one day we can meet again!
