Horde tags Oondasta!

I logged on this evening and Lushnek and Luxy said I had good timing!  Souglyy told me that Oondasta raid is forming and there were two groups heading to Oondasta.  Yay!  Horde finally gets a go!

There were a couple of hotfixes on 21 March.

Oondastas for everyone!  I like that :)  Pretty cool that I wasn't the only one complaining about it!  Glad to see it is going to spawn more often so we all can get a go at it.  Apparently the health is less as well.

Anyway, I was pretty excited, I get to try for it now!  I didn't get a picture though, because we were all trying to get up to the top, and boy is it a long ass run when you're dead - no wonder everyone fights it on the beach right next to the graveyard.

So after the first wipe, they got it down to the beach, but boy does it hit hard and I think I died about 4 times that fight!  Rez timers were at 2 minutes and I rezzed just as the boss was killed.  Yay achievement!

I rolled and I got an item!  I thought ooh woot loot!  And it was a Reins of the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn.

OMG!  A mount!  I had no idea there was a mount, I was hoping for some gear coz there is some sweet gear from there, but it was pretty exciting.  I told Roshii, and he was excited for me!  So here I am on my mount.

My outfit doesn't go...

I saw this person showing off their mount in the Shrine and I stood next to them (they got theirs in the raid as well).  I noticed that they matched very nicely to their mount!  And they said to me "Yours is bigger but I look better because my clothes match.  Your orange clashes with your mount."

Umm.  Ok.  I actually noticed I didn't go well with my mount when I was on the Isle of Giants, and I thought about what I should wear.  Perhaps I should borrow something like what Lelani was wearing from the Rojak transmog comp?  Except it's rogues' pvp stuff...

So with a bit of modification, I thought I'd look more druidy.  Need to work on my weapons but there are a lot of blue weapons so shouldn't be too bad - I think I might even have some in the bank... but I'm not too sure yet, see how I feel tomorrow!


  1. Woot woot! Grats Navi! That concept for a Transmogrification kit looks great -- good luck with getting it all together :)

    1. I was going to ask for your advice Kam. I think I'll need that luck! That helm did not drop for me the whole of that tier... :(

  2. YAY! Grats! I was hoping to see it. Now all the hard work starts to look just right when you're riding it!

    1. I am too scared to ride it in case more people comment about my lack of fashion sense! Thank you for the grats though!

    2. Pfft! Anyone riding that baby can wear whatever they want. Navi could ride around in her swim suit on it and still be styling, lol!

  3. Nice! Grats on your kill and the mount!

  4. Yay Navi!

    That transmog is nice. Can't wait to see the finished product!

    1. I hope it looks the right blue. If not.. well, I needed a change anyway! Though I will miss my trademark look.

  5. Damn it, what time did that happen >< grats navi on the kill and mount


  6. I Whispered you 3 times Falln :(


    1. Oh did you :( it must have been when i had to go get the missus from work >< i left wow online. Oh well next time i guess


    2. It was about 8pm or something? I've forgotten now. I didn't realise you hadn't come Falln. I was in the other group :(

  7. Congrats again on the mount. Yay, you are finally changing your mog.

    1. Thanks Cym. Did you see you in the pic? Hey, what's wrong with my old look? :P

    2. Nothing, you've just had it for a year already :)

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Malk! I was very surprised to say the least!

  9. Dude that is so awesome!!!


  10. See? It all works out! Congrats on all!

    1. Thanks Matty! If I hadn't stuck in PvP I would have told you more about it (I am a bit tunnel visioned when I arena)

  11. WOOT!
    Gratz on the kill and on your mount it looks fantastic!

  12. /jealous

    Congrats Navi!


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