A secret gift for Navimie from her blog friends

For once, the surprise was on me!

Zwingli and I were chatting, and I was spouting Mataoka's many wonderful qualities and he said he wanted to do something special for her. I thought that was a wonderful idea! (They had done a pet exchange) So he said, he was going to go through her blogroll and ask all the people there if they could contribute - his idea was to have them all handwrite something and he'd make a collage!  I thought that sounded so cool!  Except.. have you seen her blogroll?  It's HUGE!!

He wanted me to write something, so I was thinking about what I wanted to write.  I had decided on a creative poem written in the shape of a flower.  Now, if I'd been a lot more inquisitive and paid more attention, I would have noticed these things:
  1. When Cymre met up with Zwingli, she wrote
    Zwingli had written a post about our encounter :P I couldn’t help but whisper him “LOL, I just saw your homepage :)” There was a slight pause but I guess he was surprised that I saw his post. I was also asked not to reveal his secret mission to Matty which I did not.
    At the time I thought "Oh, good, Cym has agreed to the idea!" that when I think back NOW, Matty would have seen that and it wouldn't be a secret anymore. /smacks head

  2. Zwingli wrote about their encounter too, and he wrote
    Ok, I’m /fanboing all over the place.
    Now, back to my secret mission!
    I thought it was about Matty's thing.  When I think of it NOW, I should have been wondering, why hasn't he asked me for my contribution?

  3. Then in Zwingli's post a few days ago
    Phase one of “Current Project” is almost complete.  I’m giving one more day of extended time for the “Stuff” that needs to happen, to happen.  Then, I’m taking care of my part of the “Stuff” that needs to happen for the final /SQUEEEEEEE to commence.
    For those that have ears, let them hear. ;)
    I had forgotten about the secret project.  If I'd thought about the secret Matty project, I would have realised, that I hadn't put my submission in, and that he hadn't asked me!  And of course, the SQUEEEEE should have given it away
Last night I was online, and then Zwingli logged on and wanted to talk to me.  He told me to go to his homepage and click the secret link and enter a password.  Oooh, I thought, he had done Matty's thing already, and he wanted to ask me if I thought it looked ok!

And I should have been thinking, "Hey, he hasn't got me to write mine yet!"

And this is what I saw.

The secret project wasn't for Matty.  The secret project was for ME.  I was stunned.  I was overwhelmed with emotion.  I was incredulous.  Look at all these beautiful notes my friends wrote!  My eyes stung - hey, my excuse was, it was late at night, and I should have been sleeping, so maybe being sleepy makes you emotional - as I read through them.... Zwingli told me that one of the contributers had said that I would figure out the gift, so the best way was to throw me off the scent by saying we were doing it for someone else.  And they were right!  Totally blindsided!

Here are all the people who contributed to this awesome project (in no particular order) - OMG thanks guys I really really LOVE it!  And it's got a fabulous personal touch with the handwritten messages.
JD of Amateur Azerothian also had a message but it didn't scan well, so when I went to thank him, he wrote it out online for me.

I don't know what I did to deserve such fabulous friends.  But I want you all to know that I feel exactly the same way about you all!  And to think - I met all these people, online (except Cymre, we've known each other for... OMG almost half my life now), from reading blogs about World of Warcraft.  The friendships you make and the people you touch, are beyond what I thought possible.  I get thrills and joys from people coming to visit my blog and commenting - I chat back to them like we're having a conversation.  And from conversations, start friendships.  And look what that has led to today.

If there was something I could do for you all I would, but I know what they all would say.  That us being friends is enough, and you know what?  I know that if the situations were reversed, that is exactly what I would say too.

And, though it technically wasn't, I'm claiming this wonderful thing as a blogiversary gift!



  1. And so you should! The timing and organisers (Z and Matty) were the ones who brainstormed this idea. Shh Matty - it WAS a gp effort!

    Actually, Z was busy with a few things at the time, this being one of them.

    Glad it all turned out so well on all sides :)

    1. It was brilliantly executed - I am amazed it was hidden from me! I'm very good an sniffing things out usually LOL

  2. The sheer amount of tweets that Z was sending out was going to get you to twig to it sooner rather than later, hence the suggestion to get you to do one for Matty :D

    So glad it worked and you anjoyed it

    1. I didn't see them - though he often tweets when I'm not looking at my phone, so if it wasn't said in the 1-2 hours that I look at my twitter, I won't see it. Though, I would have thought they were all for Matty!

  3. See, when I say you're awesome...this is the proof that you can't argue it. I'm just sorry I couldn't contribute in the proper sense.

    Luv ya Navi.

    1. You contributed just fine! And hey you can't blame me for not believing you. After all, when I tell you how amazing you are, you go all quiet because you don't take compliments well... but even that is endearing <3

  4. Yes, credit definitely goes to Matty for thinking it up! Also, YES - it should be considered a blogaversary gift. I remember her saying something about the appropriateness of it since it was your blogaversary. :)

    Navi, you are an awesome person. You've brought many of us together (via your Navispams). I never would have known, TotA, JD, Matty, Amijade; and many others without your influence.

    Blizzard needs to put something in game with you name on it!


    1. Ok, that would be awesome...

    2. Wasn't there a quest where we had to take a picture of a giant turtle in the Hinterlands? Maybe that was Alliance only. Anyway, if not a Pet Related; then have us taking some pictures as Navispams. :) Maybe the character giving the investigative quest can be named Navimie.


    3. So she's photography's answer to Hemit? Works for me.

    4. That's only for people who contribute amazing stuff to the game! Like Perculia, Phaelia, Breanni, Drrum, Big Red Kitty (though his item is gone!!), and a lot of those EJ guys!
      But yes taking touristy pictures would be hilariously Navi like!

  5. Don't let it ever be said I can't keep my big mouth shut. Love you Navi!

    1. So YOU are the genius behind this! Thank you, you dear dear WONDERFUL friend!

    2. Z is the man, Navi!

      I need some typed redemption:

      There once was a Tauren named Navi
      Who did all she could to make people happy
      She went around the globe
      With a gentle prod and probe
      and as sweet as a lamb
      created the epic Navispam

      There was only one player
      Who didn't understand
      But no one likes a hater
      And everyone else happily lent a hand

      There has been no one else
      Who has given her heart
      I'm not even she knew what she would start
      The big kahunas at Blizzard
      Should hail her a hero
      For without Navi, the world would be a big, fat zero

    3. Awwwwwwwwwwww though I was able to read it Matty :)
      /wipes eyes

  6. Happy blogiversary all over again, Navie dear! <3

    1. AAAAAHHHHHH YOUR PICTURE it's perfect *hugs against face*

    2. Thank you my dear Kam! Oh I love your art :D And look at Akabeko, she loves it too!!!

  7. I guess mine didn't get added. I wrote one too!

  8. Replies
    1. I was gazumped! :D You didn't say a thing when I was visiting you sneaky woman :)

  9. OMG Nav, could your friends be anymore awesome!!!!!

    1. I am totally humbled. I don't think there are words to quite express how honoured I am.

  10. That was such a nice thing all you blogroll friends have done Navi and it's because of who you are, is the reason people love what you do.


    1. Thank you Ayelena, I just hope that I don't disappoint anyone, I am pleased yet scared people think such nice things of me.

  11. Replies
    1. I think I've looked at them about 8 times now :D and here I go looking again! I think I've found a great pick me up for when I feel alliance.. I mean blue.

  12. yay nav! thats pretty cool!


  13. Replies
    1. You sneaky secretive you! I wonder if you were dying to tell me? Because if it was me, I would have been! Thank you <3

  14. That's just awesome! A great idea for sure :)

    1. It was a great idea, clever and stealthy, and so beautiful... Saga, I would have loved to have been a part of it, but it's even better to have been the recipient of it!

  15. Glad you enjoyed your gift, Navi! =) <3

    1. Thank you Arv :) You know, you could do lettering for comics with that handwriting!

  16. That's so awesome. You have very special friends! :)

    1. They are all very dear to me! And you can see why :)

  17. Glad you enjoy it. It looks fabulous.

  18. Wow, it came out great, and those pictures on there...how awesome!

    I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3 <3

    1. Thank you so much! And I'm still amazed you all managed to keep it from me. Enjoyed it is probably an understatement :D

  19. Seeing them all together for the first time, it looks amazing. Although when I see how much everyone else wrote my extra large but rather brief scrawl looks rather sad :p

    Glad you liked it.

    1. But your trademark tree is there! I love all of them :)

  20. Such and awesome and beautiful gift! :)

    1. It was indeed, I don't think that gift could be topped for a LOOONG time!

  21. That is so cool :)


  22. What a wonderful gift! It's a giant quilt of awesome!! :D

    1. I never thought of it like that, but yes, it is! I shall use it as my cloak to ward off all sorrows and bad thoughts!

    2. Or use it as a cape and pose dashingly as you Navispam! :D hehehe

  23. I was super excited to be part of this :)

  24. I meant every un-focused word I wrote!
    Seriously, though, I, too, was happy to be a part of it, and thanks to Matty and Tim for setting it up!

    1. It's still legible! I am beyond honoured for every kind and flattering word you guys wrote for me. Thanks stubborn :)

  25. Wish I got to be a part of it. You're lucky to have such amazing friends, but you're an amazing person yourself, still thinking back on your visit, it was fun :D

    1. Thank you Syrco <3 just think though, in a way you are part of it because here you are, commenting on my post on it :)


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