12293 Fish caught, 16263 other things caught

And just when I least expected it...

I was flying back through Twilight Highlands and fishing along the coast, and ooh there were 3 pools near a boat.  So I landed on the boat and started to fish.  And when I clicked it there was a blue item with my fish, and I didn't quite get what it was until the achievement went off.


So after 16263 fish caught and other things, I got my Turtle mount.  Though really, only 12293 of those fish count because they were fished from pools and you can only catch the turtle from pools.

I am a master Fishercow at last.  Now I can fish for Lavascales and not feel like I'm wasting time since I should be fishing pools to get that turtle.


  1. If only I could win a fishing tourney, that would make my day. Gratz Navi, you can now join us and make funny noises.


  2. _\_. ._/_
    .\' ```-`\| |/'-''' `/.
    .\' \| |/ `/.
    \.\' \||/ `/./
    .' ._._ || _._. `.
    ./ ./' | || | `\. \.
    /' .'\ \ / /\ \ / /`. `\
    /| /| \ \/ /..\ \/ / |\ |\
    /| / /' .\||/. `\ \ |\
    /| /` .'.---. .---.`. '\ |\
    '/-/|--|-/' / / \ / \ \ `\-|--|\-\`
    | / \/ \ |
    | `. ._()()_. .' |
    _\_\| `._\. ./_.' |/_/_
    \_\` \__/ '/_/
    \` ____ o /\ o ____ '/
    = .'`. o o / \ o o .'`. =
    '/ | `._____..' `.._____.' | \`
    -/ \ / \-
    '/- \ .. / -\`
    '/ _.\ `' /._ \` Bunny says GRATS!
    '//-'' \ || / ``-\\`

    1. ok dunno what happened there and since I cant erase it lol..it's supposed to be a bunny!

    2. Looks like that poor bunny got ran over :(

  3. Yay grats Navi, knew you would get it sometime :)

  4. Grats to you and your Turtle.

    That's a popular spot to nab it too, I know three people now who've got their achieve from those pools :D

  5. Congrats Navi! I'm glad you finally got your turtle! It also give me hope that I might one day fish up a rare!

  6. Holy cow!!! Grats Navi!! Thats awesome!! =D

  7. Thanks everyone! I was really excited, I actually had tears in my eyes. After all this time I thought I was never going to get it.

  8. You are The master fisher of Azeroth :P

  9. Grats Navi! About time!!!

  10. @lp @Bel - TY! OMG I look at the achievement pic and my heart STILL pounds!

  11. Gratz on the Sea Turtle, it's by far my fav mount in the game, Talbuk's are like right up there too!
    I haven't got it yet but the hubby has.

    I spend way to many hours in tol fishing pools and killing any fox I see too, still can't get that fox kit pet to drop either!!!

  12. @Pando - I can't get that damn fox either!


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