
Showing posts from April, 2013

Monday raiding - Hydra-phobia

Challenge Mode Noobs - Gate of the Setting Sun

Sunday raiding - Slow and Steady beats the turtle!

Minipost: I'm going to Blizzcon!

Friday PvP

Pandaren Book of Fables - Wicked Nitun, the Masked Tanuki (Navimie and Mataoka Edition)

Wednesday and Thursday raiding - Getting close on that turtle

The 5.2 resto druid - A mid range PvP and raiding druid's perspective

Minipost: Sunday and Monday raiding - Turtle power

Navispam: Anyone want a Sodah?

Weekend PvP

Achievement roundup this week

Minipost: Things about Conquest points I did not know

Making Friends and Enemies from Battle Pets

Wednesday raiding - Take THAT Council!

Pandaren Book of Fables - Dos-Ryga (Navimie and Mataoka edition)

Griefing doesn't pay

Minipost: 2H caster mace? Haven't seen one since Molten Core!