Monday Achievement Raid - I've got Next

We had a bash at this achievement the previous week but unfortunately, Fin put down the Blingtrons and they were too far apart and so wouldn't start fighting :(

This time, we had Galestion AND Fin in raid, so we had a few more chances to be able to get the achievement. So, the idea is to have them complete their little fight when the boss has been engaged. You can put it down first before you start the pull, but if one of the Blingtrons (4000 maybe?) has hardly any health and dies really quickly so I would recommend putting them down on pull.

In this pic you can see the Blingtron with a dead Blingtron next to it, and Blingtron MK2 that pops up once a Blingtron dies from defeat. Kill that mob first and then kill Mekka!

Unfortunately we tried to get the Blockade achievement again (De Lurker Be'loa) for Gale and others who missed it but we couldn't get the CC right on the Lurker (kept being broken) so that was a bit of a doldrum. I guess next week it's Jaina!
