Rank 3 Kul Tiramisu cooking recipe FINALLY up!
Got a message super early this morning (before 6am) from Delanoben on Bnet to tell me that FINALLY Rank 3 Kul Tiramisu is up!
Of course it's on Kul Tiras. LOL. Anyway, I logged in and ran over to get it done. Out of interest I googled Kul Tiramisu and this popped up from Twitter from Jessica Clarke, one of the dungeon artists for WoW, and she actually MADE it!
— Jessica Clarke (@JessicaClarkey) August 27, 2018Jessica even has an in game NPC in Boralas! I had to stealth my way over there to take a pic, having no alliance toons to be able to snag it for me.
That's pretty cool :D
leslaheb-ha Amanda Ellis https://wakelet.com/wake/7fbkb2bU8VdKzocXbasik
Vtiaberocni1989 Joshua Martin https://www.hairbybellebre.net/profile/Mxkey-Crack-Ufs-Free-2021-Download/profile
OfisurWin-bu Jessica Ellis link