Fail Friday - Did you just vanish and reset the boss???

So we did a King's Rest on Thursday, with HK tanking and me healing. Pancake, Spoon (on his rogue) and Mighty (Pancake's friend). I figured, well we're never going to do this key because it sucks, so we might as well do it so Mighty can get a key done and it's not wasted.

Well, it was a bit rough.

We did a double stealth thing to get past the adds, but we wiped so we had to get rid of the little minions the next time round which Spoon did somehow, which I was impressed by. I think we may have gotten the boss down on the third attempt.

Then we went to do the second boss which was fine. I somehow got myself isolated from the main group by all the crap on the floor so that was poorly executed by myself

But the third boss with the totems was the clincher.

So we had wiped and then on the next attempt Spoon died and I was struggling to heal with the grievous on and all the damage going out, so as I was on my last legs with no health and 5 stacks of grievous I rezzed Spoon and hoped that he could finish the fight. He and Mighty were the last ones standing and then Mighty died as the boss died, and Spoon was the only one left.

I was so relieved that it died! I ran back and then Spoon said wait. Then, I noticed the boss was still up.

"But WHYYYYY?" I wailed. I don't wanna do this boss again!

Apparently Spoon stealthed as soon as the boss died and then because there was nobody there, the boss reset. There is a few seconds before the boss dies and the completion of fight or something. I thought at first that Spoon had vanished and made us do it ALL OVER AGAIN.

I actually mentioned that to him, that I thought he did it on purpose and he (?feigned) outrage that I would accuse him of such a thing without proof. Well, it's Spoon. Given his track record...

Well, at least the last boss went ok. Maybe we died once. I can't remember!

Anyway, so that was a bit fail having to do that... so the main learning point is DON'T STEALTH BEFORE THE BOSS IS CONFIRMED DEAD!
