Achievement - Master of Minions

A big thank you to Splatz who helped push me over the 1000 pet mark! That lucky bastard paladin not only gets loot all the time in raids, but also gets a TON of drops in islands. It's not just how he does the islands because I have gone with him and gotten VERY LITTLE, he is just one huge rabbit foot, I tell you.

So as a reward I get ANOTHER pet, Hearthy! I think Crooked would like this one since he plays so much Hearthstone.


  1. Best. Hearthstone. Ever. It's just a shame it shares the CD with your actual Hearthstone :(

    1. Wait, that pet is a hearthstone? How?

    2. Summoning the pet starts the cooldown on your hearthstone. Clicking the pet will start a cast as if your hearthstone was on cooldown.

      Interested to see if this pet is essentially an "infinite-hearthstone", of sorts.



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