Heroic raiding - Yay 2 more down!
Now that we got the hang of it a bit, it was pretty cool to get Vectis down!
The bit we were struggling with was having Omega vectors bouncing around and tripling up. We tried grouping up and letting it bounce around the group but once we got a doubleup, we were getting wrecked. Then eventually we separated ourselves a bit better and that seemed a lot more manageable. Seemed easy once we figured that bit out. Duh!
On Monday we came back and did Zek'voz. Initially we were having lots of people wiped out with Eye beam. Melee were bunched and we didn't get a lot of time to move out, especially when there was a slow on us. So, we started calling out a spread just before Eye beam so we wouldn't kill each other, and made it everyone else's responsibility to move away from them. That seemed to work well.
Next, we had people doing nice CCs on the Voidweavers and then they would drag the boss to one and kill it then to another one. We initially had a number of deaths because people didn't know where the tank was going, but once they started yelling out they were moving to whatever marker, people got the hell out of the way.
Then we had to figure out what to do with ball catching and the mind controls. We had to get the ball catcher to move out of the raid a few seconds before so they would not fear bomb us, and then we killed them. That worked pretty well, except boy did we start to lose people!
So that was a pretty good week! There was some awkwardness in raid - perhaps I'll elaborate some other time. But overall, a really good raid week! Good work, Frostwolves!
The bit we were struggling with was having Omega vectors bouncing around and tripling up. We tried grouping up and letting it bounce around the group but once we got a doubleup, we were getting wrecked. Then eventually we separated ourselves a bit better and that seemed a lot more manageable. Seemed easy once we figured that bit out. Duh!
On Monday we came back and did Zek'voz. Initially we were having lots of people wiped out with Eye beam. Melee were bunched and we didn't get a lot of time to move out, especially when there was a slow on us. So, we started calling out a spread just before Eye beam so we wouldn't kill each other, and made it everyone else's responsibility to move away from them. That seemed to work well.
Next, we had people doing nice CCs on the Voidweavers and then they would drag the boss to one and kill it then to another one. We initially had a number of deaths because people didn't know where the tank was going, but once they started yelling out they were moving to whatever marker, people got the hell out of the way.
Then we had to figure out what to do with ball catching and the mind controls. We had to get the ball catcher to move out of the raid a few seconds before so they would not fear bomb us, and then we killed them. That worked pretty well, except boy did we start to lose people!
So that was a pretty good week! There was some awkwardness in raid - perhaps I'll elaborate some other time. But overall, a really good raid week! Good work, Frostwolves!
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