Navispam - The cute little Amerence!

Amerence is one of those cute bloggers who always has little happy faces smiley icons all over her site.  She used to write at Amerence Loves WoW, and she still does her shared topics there but these days she does most of her blogging about WoW at Amerpriest blog.

Amerence is very active at Blog Azeroth and participates and suggests a lot in shared topics - it was because of Amerence I participated in the Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving 2011 event that she organised and I think that event shaped me to be the blogger I am today.

Amerence took a break from the game but came back and is in the raiding scene, on her priest, Amerpriest! Fortunately for me, she is easy to find and she still spends a lot of time in game.  I sent her an ingame mail and she replied me so all I had to do was get on at at time that was good for her - finally one day I was free and I was able to catch up.  At first she wasn't on in the guild but there was another toon with Amer in the name online and when I went to WoW armoury to check achievements I found that they were the same person!

This Amber Direhorn is her latest mount acquisition and she happily showed it off for me.  I was at work so my chat time was limited and punctuated by a lot of AFKs but I asked her a little bit about her guild and what she'd been up to and of course told her how inspirational she had been to me in the blogging scene!

One good thing is my Pandaren Earth Spirit could go to a new home! Amerence was mostly chatting to me about some of the things her guild does - some of which made me surprised (but that will have to go into its own blog post) and I was super glad I got to visit her and tell her how cute she is!

Thank you Amerence for your time and patience! :D It took a while to get around to visit, but better late than never :D


  1. Oh wow, I thought you would have navispammed Amerence way before now. Good to see it finally happened.

    1. She was away from game for ages and I had kinda forgot, but then I was reminded and thought OMG I should have done this ages ago!

  2. Heya!!!! YAY! Thanks Navimie for wonderful chat time and visit in my server! sure is! I finally got Navispam! hahah! I will post our pics soon as well. Thanks for really taking time to do this despite the fact you were at work haha! Anyway, glad you finally met me in game. Not to mention the beautiful and cutie pet you gave me! YAY! <3 much love... and can always run together sometimes... if you also need some groups together like flex or lfr hook me up! my battletag is Amergamer#1255 Thanks again Navimie!

  3. I'm glad you finally got her! I think the Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving 2011 event was the start for a lot of us. OMG! I have to have a Twitter account! Oh no!

    1. Thanks Ancient! Also here is my reply post guys!

    2. Hahaha I remember that Ancient!

  4. Navimie also i noticed my link on you blogroll doesnt seem to update even if i recently posted new article.. its weird. I think i suggest getting my rss feed through feedburner instead of regular rss feed from the site. Thanks hon!

  5. Reading your Navispam adventures is always really fun. <3 And I get to discover new bloggers to boot! I've been hanging over on the darkside (tumblr!), but I love reading blogs as well. Loving the screenshots as usual!


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