Raiding - Yeah, that really was an odd week

Last week's raiding was really the fastest clear of SoO we've ever done.  In 2 nights, we cleared everything to Garrosh, and that was with Norushen heroic as well.

But on Saturday I had a paucity of tanks.  Kyxyn had a social function on so he wasn't home, Aimei is still out of action and Asys didn't make an appearance.  Luckily, Exray came on his warrior and Az came as well (he needed valour, phew) and I had Falln's friend Liight tanking too.  Liight hadn't really tanked much beyond first wing, but he knew the fights, and was kind enough to tank first wing even though he'd done it already.  Yig had hesitantly volunteered his tanking services but when we had real tanks show up he heaved a massive sigh of relief!  And I did too :D

We had a shaky start because McTacky accidentally pulled Immerseus when we weren't ready.  It all went smoothly after that until Nazgrim where half the people were locked outside the room.  Exray subscribes to the more vengeance more healing/damage tanking method and that seemed to work well for the first two wings.  We had a lot of people come for those two flexes - we were over the 20 people mark, easy.

Kyxyn decided to see if we could get a Flex Garrosh for Monday so we did that, and boy did I feel bad! Garrosh is still a tough fight even in Flex if you don't know the fight very well and haven't got a big DPS output, it becomes tough.  We had our first go and I panicked a little when the weapon wasn't going down fast enough because it meant I had to do lots of healing in that bit and people actually DIED.  Eep!  We had a bad phase change with adds up everywhere when we dropped back out of the dream sequence AND MCs were out of control in the last phase too.  So we had to have a first cull and unfortunately Dragonray and Lom were dropped (I did want them to see the fight and how we did it, but maybe next time) as well as Tacky and Shammcow.  The next few goes poor Ala had the short end of the stick and was given Engineers to do, and the poor bugger hadn't done it before so he didn't have his timing right.  I couldn't help but laugh when he called out "Oops you're going to have to have the left wheel this time." I was like, huh?  But when I saw it coming out I did giggle because he might not have realised that it was a wipe! Anyway, once we got him sorted on how to do it, he was better, but when he died to Garrosh's purple again and we were really pushed for time with less than 20 minutes of raid time left and so Kyxyn decided to drop him.  Medio had joined as well and I had scolded him to come on some DPS but he came on his priest and healed when we really didn't need all those heals.  He switched to DPS after that, and we got it down.

A few people managed to score heirlooms which was good! But I have to say that it was a rather unsatisfying raid for me overall because I had guilt about not being able to bring our guildies for the fight, and I was still worrying about this week's raiding.  I also don't think I like flex raiding on a weekday when we have time pressure, because that makes us drop people faster, and have less patience.  Also, Exray and Lushen will be away for 2 raid days so I got Nath and Jazz to come for those days.  My head is buzzing with thoughts and feelings about Flex this week, but that will have to wait for another post to get explored - it's time to go do some work!


  1. Wait, so you guys ask folks to leave Flex in order to complete a boss kill? Is that what most guilds do? Just trying to think about philosophies, etc

    1. I have a post coming on it soon Matty, which is me just arguing with myself about things and trying to justify why I do what I do. And yes, we have to ask folks to leave Flex to get a boss kill - even in Flex it can be a DPS check - and the only time it's not, is when we have high end performers negating the less well performing, and then it all looks easy, but once those guys are taken out of the equation, it means everyone has to step up and sometimes it just can't be done and all that will result is anguish and disgruntlement.

    2. No need to justify anything, just curious.For me, my time in Flexes has been great because it's safe learning place, with no chance of being asked to leave. I love them - play with friends and learn. Great experience. Look forward to reading your thoughts, always!

  2. All these posts are wanting to make me come back :( unfortunately with all my time constraints with work i hardly have any time for games atm. Had a few days off last week and with the long weekend i managed to install diablo and clear the content on expert mode on my first play through, thought thats probably easy right? Anyway diablo will have to sate my gaming thirsts for now as i cant commit to WoW atm. I'm still pretty keen to come back for the X-pac even tho the release date seems way off!!! I miss you guys, hope y'all haven't forgotten about me... :P


    1. A December release sounds REALLY... far away. :(


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