Raiding - Ahead of the Curve!

Yay, Frostwolves got Garrosh down!

I always feel like the first few wipes are the warmups.  I felt terrible that when it was my turn to Tranq for the empowered whirl everyone died!  What the hell!  Are my heals that bad?  True, it wasn't a hasted one, but I had used my swiftmend a lot trying to heal - I thought it was probably just because I didn't start my tranq early enough.

It took us 3 goes all up to get it down, and it was really good by the last attempt.  We were doing good on the MCs and we didn't get distracted by tunnelling the boss and it was looking really really positive... I even did my tranq properly... OMG it was 2%... OH NO Aimei died!  But we got it down and there was massive achievement spam!

So a title, a mount, and achieves galore.  What's there NOT to like about defeating Garrosh?  At least we got a guild pic!

And of course, we got the Korkron War Wolf as well.  It is quite different from the Vicious War Wolf, but it is still a cool mount, nonetheless.  Not that I'm ever going to ride it...

What is interesting for us is that it took us 54 attempts total to kill Garrosh on normal - which is less than the 80+ attempts it took us to kill Horridon, or even Garalon.  I find that really strange - does that mean Garrosh is easier than Horridon, I wonder?  Perhaps it's because we do have practice on Flex to fall back on, unlike back in 5.1 where you only had LFR to learn from and that didn't really teach you much.

Luxy and Sev both rolled Hellscream's warstaff which was pretty cool!  A warforged Greathelm of the Warchief dropped which Kyjenn didn't want to use except as a transmog item as it now matched his new transmog very nicely.

Cranked picked up a Cowl of Smoking dreams and is using that now, so I'm pretty pleased that all dropped loot was taken, even if it was just for vanity's sake.

So yay Frostwolves!  Where do we go from now?  It looks like we'll probably start our first heroic look at a boss - probably Immerseus - and have a long hard think about how much time we are going to spend, because at our current raiding momentum, it still takes us 5 hours to clear (we had one spare hour last night) at full steam ahead.  Kyxyn suggested that we extend raids by half an hour for 2 of our raid days to see if we can get some extra time in.  That would be nice except I can't get the kids in bed by then (unless I get hubby to put them to bed, which I probably could do on Thursday).  Either that, or change our raid days... which isn't a great idea as Sabre can't raid Sundays and Aza likes to go out on Sundays.  Anyway, that's something for the raid group to brainstorm on.



  1. Congrats on the Garrosh kill Frostwolves!

  2. Congratulations! How fun, Navi! Love reading your raiding posts!

    1. Aww thanks Matty! They're more like a journal for me, so it's nice to see someone likes to read them :D /hug

  3. Great effort by everyone involved.

    Congratulations fellow Frosties!

    The Tyrant

    1. You were even easier to heal I think Kyxyn with Eternal flame...

  4. Grats on Garrosh kill, he's a satisfying b'stard to bring down.

    1. Thanks Sven! It was satisfying indeed - especially since he's such a nasty piece of work.

  5. Congrats on Garrosh!
    I was the anonymous wishing you luck on your last related post, haha. So happy for you! Didn't get to poke him with my guild this week as too many were missing. Aaah, maybe this weekend (hopefully. 13/14 is crushing). The wolf is so pretty. *A* Again, grats! You guys earned it! Lots of hard work!

    - Kay.

    1. Hi Kay! Here's hoping you get it down - and now I'm glad to put a name to the anonymous post :D Hopefully can drop by and whisper good luck to you during your raid one day :D

    2. Thank you!
      I'm hoping I can convince my guildies to keep the lock this time around. I think it's just a matter of practice and not giving up. I'm sure it must feel quite good to see that 14/14!

      And oh, Kay is just short for Kaila (I should really get a profile or something). I'm on Antonidas, so if you ever drop by our little server, do say hello! I'm super impressed by your pet collection (I'm a mount collector). Aaah, those "gotta catch 'em all" hobbies!

      - Kay.

  6. GRATS Frosties!!!! So proud of you :) I was going to ask last night Nav when you switched to your alt, but I was too scared of the answer, so thought I would just wait as you would surely post if you got him!!! Grats guys!!!


  7. Congrats on the kill

  8. Congratulations! The Frostwolves have made Azeroth a safer place!

  9. Congratulations! It's definitely satisfying to be able to get that achievement spam!
    Good luck with trying the heroics.

    1. OMG Tyle I was so slow to reply this - it's 9 months late but... THANKS!

  10. Congratulations! The mounts are beautiful. Good luck with the heroics!

    1. Thank you aka!!! I'm sorry I was so slow to reply. OMG 9 months... I wonder where you are these days!


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