Minipost: Achievements this week

Another slow week! I'm still digging away - I still have a few more achieves in archaelogy to get so I will be continuing with those!

And boy was I surprised when an achievement popped up on Monday when we killed Iron Qon.  Asys and I got Can't Touch This, which is dodging some of the damage abilities (which are avoidable). It's like the Alysrazor achievement Do A Barrel Roll! so you can do it over a few encounters.  Was pretty chuffed though, because I'm pretty goofy when it comes to avoiding things (though, Asys getting it is even MORE mind boggling).  It's an individual achievement, so unlike Do a Barrel Roll! which requires everyone in the raid to avoid the stuff, it's just you.


  1. Hey cool! Nice achievement.

  2. Grats on the achievements!

    I have the feeling Can't Touch This would be very hard to do as melee while still dpsing the boss. Seems like it happens a lot where a line separates you from the boss and you need to run across it to get back to dps. Maybe I just am slow to figure out where the lines are going though. Or maybe if you knew which way the tank would pull it before hand you wouldn't get separated in the first place.

    I finally crossed 17k this week with a few raid achievements. We need to work on achievements on weekends together again.

    1. Grats on over 17k! I think me and Arv talked about doing some dungeons... we need a ton of those achieves!

  3. Grats. It must have been exciting to get that raid achievement.

    1. It was great because it was totally unexpected. Those unexpected achievements are always the best.


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