Minipost: A gift from Dahakha

Dahakha asked me to meet him on his server, as he had something to give me.  I wondered what it was - but it could possibly be a mount as that is one thing that can't be handed via accounts!

Imagine my surprise when he gave me a Depleted Kyparium Rocket!

I was so thrilled!  But then, I realised that it was a double edged sword... I would have to LEVEL to be able to learn it, so off I went... grudgingly.  I can't remember what the mount looked like.

Tacky took me to Wailing Caverns and Blackfathom Deeps for some carried XP, and then I got tired of levelling and came back to it a few days later.  Lush even logged in and helped me level - he got me one quest from dinging 20 and parked me at it so I could hand it in.

It's gorgeous!  I love it!  Navi in her flying bullet machine!  Thanks heaps Dah, it's an awesome gift - even the pain of levelling was totally worth it!


  1. Silly woman, why didn't you just make a DK?

    Grats btw :)

    1. I already had a level 15 there - but it hadn't been touched for ages because it had a bag full of ammo.. so yes I know it was just 5 levels... but it was stil painful!

  2. She'd have to get out if that starting!! It's gorgeous Navi!! Wow!!!! What an amazing gift!

    1. Yeah I did that once before to get a DK to get a mount and it was still painful! When i did the floating eye thing.... I got LOST!

  3. Oh wow! Very nice. Grats Navi!

  4. Awesome! Now keep leveling! :P

  5. Congrats on hitting level 20!

    Congrats on the mount too I guess.

  6. Good to see you made it. I wonder why they changed the colouring on it though. It looked a lot nicer before.

    1. I actually don't know what it looked like before, and I guess I don't want to know now - don't want to be disappointed! I do think Navi looks good with it though.


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