Farewell Dath'remar! Helloooo Saurfang!

As I went to Throne of Thunder last night to do the LAST raid we would do on Dath'remar, I wished we could go out with a bang.  But, that was unlikely as we still aren't top of our game with Sev still learning the ropes, but we're going to get there again, eventually!

The raid mood was not glum, but there were some undercurrents of excitement knowing that we would be moving servers shortly.  We got Magaera down at least!  Rosh managed to roll his daggers and we even had some thunderforged axe drop for Moo on Tortos.  After raid, Lush was going to transfer the guild and I had a whole heap of packing to do.  Or rather, tidying up.

We all went to take a picture with the Dath'remar Blood Elf monument as our farewell to our server.  And what was funny, was that a Saurfang level 4 BE was questing and saw us and photobombed us.

It would have been our guild's fifth birthday on the 29th June - 5 years since we moved as a guild from Khadgar.  Last year I wrote a post about our Guild community and I highlighted things about our guild which has made my guild more like a clubhouse than a workplace.

Lately we've gotten a whole heap of great social members (a lot of people I've met through blogging) who have made the guild really lively again.  It's so nice to have them all here!

In all honesty, I couldn't be bothered cramming my bags full of stuff for the move.  I figured at some stage I will transfer the guild banks with all my crap in them... I dunno, I'll have to think about that because it means I would have to actually LEVEL my toons so I can transfer them - YUCK!

I DE'd a few useless things... but it turned out to be a waste of time since there was only ONE thing I wanted to add to my already bulging bags, which was my Formal Dangui.  I even left the red and green ones behind. I even left behind all those BOA weapons!  And all my heirlooms - I  mean, what does one who does not level need heirlooms for anyway?

So, just when I thought I'd fixed up all my bags, I realised, I need to empty my mailbox.  Oh Geez.  Aza forced me to take a picture of it...

So I stuffed my enchant mats and 20k gold into the guild bank and I was just about ready to go... but oops I forgot to leave my arena teams!

Sev and Shab had an awesome run in 2s and finished wiht a rating 1750+.  They had some awesome games on the weekend - one game where Shab was left after Sev died and the one of the opponents died, leaving Shab versus a destro lock and he managed to kill him.  Shab was particularly pleased with that effort.  It feels sad leaving it all behind - but we can PvP on our new server anyway!  I left all my teams and finally, I looked like I was ready to leave.

Then Lush started the guild transfer process:

I stood around in Org, looking around, seeing how quiet it was.  The mail appeared in my mailbox, telling me how to follow my guild, and I said goodbye to a few Dath'remarians and I logged out to follow the instructions for transfer.  I almost forget to delete my Navimie nameholder from Saurfang, but once that was done, the whole transfer process was quick - I logged on an hour later and was there on Saurfang.  I was a bit slow to initiate my transfer - Luxy even made this on twitter to hurry me along...

I appeared in Org, right where I logged off.  Things didn't look any different.  But there were more people around in Orgrimmar, and trade chat was more... chatty.  I was here, and though it didn't look any different to Dath, I had a feeling of hope, renewal, and all the excitement of being somewhere new.

Hmm, looks like the same old Orgrimmar to me...
Lush got online and he promoted me to Guild Master and then I set to work making mischief.  I redid all the ranks to reflect Wolf Pack ranks - I had a few complaints.  But I like them!

Rank 1 - Pack Master
Rank 2 - Alpha (officer)
Rank 3 - Beta (officer)
Rank 4 - Hunting Pack (core raider)
Rank 5 - Scouting Pack (casual raider)
Rank 6 - Frostwolf (changed from Pup Tacky and Xyn were complaining - social rank)
Rank 7 - Pup (people who don't know if they want to be in Frostwolves)
Rank 8 - Sheep (alts - get it?  Wolf in Sheep's clothing?  OK OK not as funny as I thought but I like it!)
Rank 9 - Hibernating (inactives)

One thing - the Barrens is HEAPS busier on Saurfang!  Cities are populated!  We picked up a new tank - Asys, friend of Nerisella - and grabbed all the guys levelling their new toons here because they didnt' want to transfer and our guild is looking busy.  Even Saundin faction changed his paladin - GASP!! A few more people to come across, and we'll see how raids go tomorrow.  Who's excited??  ME!

OH and look at the lovely banner that Ancient made for me as a moving gift!  I love it!


  1. Grats on the server move, Frostees, hope that you guys find much success in your new home!

    BTW, I like your new banner, it's pretty sweet, good job Tome!

    1. Me too! It's gonna be weird... 4 raiding druids?? OMG! And that Ancient is one clever gal!

  2. I hope you all enjoy your new home! Cities populated! I can't even imagine!

    1. I wish it was busier... but that's a double edged sword! I mean, no more warbringer farming awwww!

  3. OMG that banner is awesome! Tome that is too cool!

    Grats on the move. I hope everything keeps going well! :D <3

  4. So much to say but too lazy to type in my phone...I will be joining ya'll soon!

  5. Congrats on a successful move - love the new banner! I hadn't thought about your guild ranks before, but obviously it makes sense for them to be wolfy type ones .. it was a surprise to see them similar to ours! (We're Dark Wolves ...)

    We have Alpha, Beta, Beauwolf (officer alts ... a long story), Werewolf (raiders), then Wolf and Wolf Alts, Juvenile, Pup and Cub. I like the "sheep" idea .. although it also sounds like free lunch to have a flock of sheep in amongst the wolves! Oh, and we have a "MiA" rank ... I might nick the "hibernating" idea tho .. by the time we'd gotten around to naming that rank, we were out of ideas!

    1. Heh, every time I log to your server to look for you I smile when I see that your guild has wolves too! And the Sheep thing - people still think it's a food thing, that those alts are for eating or something! Juvenile is a good rank, but I'm scared people will think I'm making some kinda of comment about their behaviour LOL! And of course the fussy nitpickers tell me that Wolves don't hibernate...

  6. Good luck on your new server frosties, i think it was a good move for the guild. I steped into a lfr yesterday and low and behold i was raiding with frostwolves of saurfang. Had a bit of a chat to moo who is now moopiex so it seems ;)


    1. I heard they saw you in an LFR! That's pretty cool :) Hopefully I'll get to see you in an LFR one day too!

  7. Great Banner, Ancient!

    Just a clarification, I moved *one* of my pallys, not my ex-main who still isn't 90. ;) Saurfang was one of my alt servers. Saundin (proper) is still on Shadow Council, and still human. :D

    I still have another 80 paladin from my days on Aman'Thul as well :) ... Altoholism, long live him, and him, and him ... oh, and her and her ...

    1. "ONE" of your pallies. OMG.

      Well, it doesn't matter, you're a dirty hordie now Saund :D It must be so ODD. You should have gonne FULLY SMELLY and been a tauren paladin :D

    2. Yes. One. Doesn't *everyone* have more than one of their class at or near the level cap? *innocently*. ROTFL.

      I decided that the belf racial was significantly better for a healer than the Tauren one, that and the plethora of pretty belf jokes I can now make at my own expense :)

      Odd doesn't begin to cover it, The first, second, third and probably fourth times while not concentrating (slow learner) that I try to fly into an Alliance capital will be ... interesting :D

  8. Soul made it into a screenshot! It really is the dawn of a new era :P

    1. Frosties think he is worthy of screenshots and guild videos - but when Blizz thinks he is worthy of being in a cutscene, then it will be a blue moon!

  9. Grats on the move Frosties!! All this talk of toons and raiding makes me want to log back in just to see it all. Shame my poor warrior is all alone on Dath now.... :(

    <3 and miss you all Frosties, especially you NaviNavi :p


    1. hi Dragonray!! Don't worry, come 5.4 we will all be on one big server :)

    2. What do you mean one big server?? o.O i must investigate this now!!!

    3. Virtual realms, Dragonray!!! One big happy server! :)

  10. That really is a spiffy new banner. Well done, Tome!

  11. Congratz on the move Navi and the Frost pack! Hope you all get settled in well on your new home.

    Love the new banner. Great job Tome!

    1. And welcome to the family Thel! :D That was a huge (and very awesome) surprise!

  12. Hope you have fun on the new realm!
    Tome did an awesome job on the new banner :)

    1. HI Pando! So far so good, and Ancient is so clever! I wish I was that clever!


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