Changes that snuck in when I wasn't looking

Maybe I don't read patch notes properly.  But there are some things that I have noticed lately - some good things - which I thought were pretty awesome.

Rebirth now rezzes you with the mana you died with.  Was that supposed to happen?  It used to rez you with 20% mana and 60% health, but I'm wondering if they did that to stop people dying for mana (ie you're OOM and you die so you can rez with 20% mana).  I never did that anyway, and I used to bemoan the fact I died with tons of mana so this is a boon to me.

Silvershard mines - the carts come out at one minute.  When did that start?  I used to have fun chasing the cart that was about to cap (that's how I got an achievement even!) when the carst used to come out higglety pigglety.  I guess it's more fair now, and I'm all about fair, but damn, the other bit was fun.

When you're fishing, you don't hear other people's bobbles anymore.  That's so fantastic!  I hated clicking my fishing bobber when I heard the sound only to find out it wasn't mine.

Eye of the Storm - ok, exactly WHEN did they lower that starting platform.  I thought it was fun jumping off and trying not to lose half your health!  I asked Shab if it disadvantaged him because of his Engineering glider thing that he used to that would put him way ahead of us when he jumped off, but when we tried it the other day, he still was way ahead, so that bit wasn't affected much.  I guess now people won't die jumping off the platform when the game starts.

And killing rares on the Isle of Thunder - when did they stop dropping those pointless little book things for Valour?  And now you just get the valour?  I mean, I think it's a good change because bag space is much better used for things like 3 sets of clothing and transmog, food and pet bandanges.... rather than a book for valour that you have to click to use anyway :P

I suspect some educated person who reads patch notes can tell me exactly when these were implemented - but I do like the stealthy awesomeness of them.  Things I never knew I wanted, now I suddenly have :)


  1. That Silvershard change is good! I hated always missing the lava one because horde would get it! Not that it would be an issue now.

    1. Ummm despite your cute pic you are kinda horde now....

  2. The only one I've noticed is the valour change from the rares. It was a welcome surprise. That fishing change is fantastic though.

    1. It is a great change! Fishing comps will be so much better!

  3. I didn't know that! I was always clicking my bobber for someone else's sound. Good to know since I don't know how many more bobbers I'll be clicking before I find my Carps!

  4. The valor books and Eye of the Storm changes were in 5.3. Not sure on the Silvershard Mines change. Valor books were an undocumented change (there were actually a lot of these, including some bizarre but helpful ones - like Netherspite in Karazhan now dropping 1-3 Netherwing Eggs), EotS was in the patch notes.

    The only one of these that I KNOW has been around for much longer has been the fishing one - that changed in 5.0 or maybe earlier, around or not long after the second time they changed the icon for fishing.

    I don't know why I know this, I DESPISE fishing in WoW...

  5. Oh I hadn't even noticed the bobber sound is gone then again I think the last fishing I did was last DMF. The books well I haven't done alot of Isle of Thunder since getting exalted so again I hadn't realized but I do agree both are good things. Mines, well I haven't even gone in yet - it's been on my to do list but everytime I've mentioned it no one wants to go and personally I just don't enjoy PVP fun without friends along.


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