Minipost: Monday raiding - Terrace cleared!

I was not feeling well and we have enough reserves now so I can take a night off to sleep off my virus. But guess what... Frostwolves cleared terrace tonight so that was pretty cool!  Not to mention that Soultouched has now got an ilvl 1 behind me so I no longer have to worry about him :) he got through Sha ok and he was pretty happy he could 2 heal with Bish. Hopefully Bish didn't have to carry him too much :P

I saw that Lushnek got the boots off council and Roshii got loot (? Chest) and Soul got a Sha touched sword. Yay! Ok next week it's my turn for a Sha kill, hopefully! Grats guys!


  1. That's awesome, grats Frostees! Hopefully we can also finish the Sha off this week and then get back to wiping on troll and dino poop all night, lol.

    1. It's super easy now! One night and you might even have time to go back for more dino poop :)

    2. Whoops wait, I shouldn't say that, I wasn't there!

  2. YAY! Frostwolves!

    Hopefully you can get a Sha kill next time!

  3. Disco did really well. There is no room to carry anyone on the final boss since one healer is away on a platform pretty much up until a few seconds before the next one gets taken, they are rarely healing the same people after the first 30 seconds or so.

    Loot wise we got a few other bits too - Moo got both his 2H axes in one go (one from a roll & one from the chest), and I got my 4th piece of tier. Also Roshii's tier piece was his 4th (shoulders I believe), so 2 new set bonuses in 1 day /hooray.

    Between all those upgrades, more valour gear & 2 wings of LFR to clear before our next raid I'm hopeful we'll have enough of a boost to get down the Drakkari gate on Wednesday.

    1. I am glad :) Disco I am sure would also be thrilled! Though does that mean I am being replaced o.O



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