All I was interested in was the pet battle changes and all the new pets! I was raiding last night but if I wasn't, I know I would have been out there trying to catch them all! And the 12 you can get from dungeons - you can sell them!
This pet drops from Gluth in Naxxramas. |
This is from Northern Barrens in the harpy area to the north west. |
Caught down near the lakes in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. |
Drops from Loatheb in Naxxramas. |
Souglyy said to me yesterday "Do you want a rare Nordrassil Wisp?" and I said yes! But how do you do that? So she taught this to me -if you stand next to them as they are battling and they Alt-F4, then the Battle pet reappears with the same stats where they battled them and you can battle it! And if you accidentally killed it, you can do the same thing (Alt-F4) and when you log back in it will be there (as long as you didn't kill the others). Handy tip to know!
Edit: Forfeiting makes them despawn. Damn, so that doesn't work.
Congrats on your new pets!
ReplyDeleteHowever, I would be very careful about using the Alt-F4 tactic - it's an exploit, and while not a serious offense, still potentially bannable.
Now I hadn't thought of that. I wonder if forfeiting has same effect. I will go check.
DeleteHmm, why do I have a feeling this is going to turn into my primary gold sink for a while... *dashes off to level her professions so she can afford pets*
ReplyDeleteThe Stitched Pup is so cute! >.<;;
I love it! When I first saw it in the pet journal all greyed out I thought omg I must have it!
DeleteI spent part of yesterday running around making sure I had one of every color Stormwind Rat… this is getting slightly addicting. o_O;; (And I seriously need to sit down and read all the shiny Pet Battle guides-- I'm getting to the point where dumb luck isn't enough. :p)
DeleteAlt+F4 closes the window Navi
ReplyDeleteHow would this work in game without losing your window?
Or am I just missing something because I don't pet battle?
Well after what Pix said I am hesitant to talk about it BUT once you close the game the thing you were fighting comes back to be battled. Like if you tagged a mob then lagged out the mob would untag.
DeleteOMG! You already have a Stitched Pup! I love him! I have to go and get my Harpy, that's the next thing on my list, grats on all those pets!
ReplyDeleteI stayed up till a silly late time doing Naxx...