Melfina is drugged out and sick again

Poor Melf, I sent him a text message the other day to ask him to get online so I could get some more Blood elf chick dance action in my video and I got a text back saying that he was in hospital and that they would pass him the message, and they even called me Navi!  So I wondered a bit about that, and I got another sms later and it was Melf saying that he had a chest infection and he was kept in hospital for a while but he was heading home soon.

I asked him who that was who was on his phone and it was a friend of his.  I thought it might have been one of his girls or his sister but for once it wasn't.

So he made it home yesterday and got online briefly and I told him to go watch my video and he hated the music!  He said it should be something more metal.  I think Sev said something similar (I think he had an eyebrow raised over the Michael Jackson music, however I think not many seemed to pick up on the zombies/undead nature of the song).  However, Tacky did pipe up with the "You start to freeze and horror looks you right between the eyes you're paralyzed" line which I thought was well done with Shab iceblocking and then everyone cowering... so at least somebody listens to song lyrics in association with video!

So I guess for my next video I should find something more heavy metal.  Last time I used soft metal (Linkin' Park) I got a whole lot of trashing for that too!  Which just goes to show that you can't please everyone.  Perhaps I should stick to instrumental music - soundtracks are always a good choice.

Woofie did say that he thought it was my best video so far.  Fue was apparently not happy I filmed him with his helm off (do you blame him?  My god that hair!) but I thought it was appropriate!
