Countdown to Blizzcon - 2 weeks to go!

Just over 2 weeks to go!  I'm so excited, I've been trying to plan what I want to do!

There will be a massive social component - I would love to do RL Navispams of all the people I admire and of anyone who reads my blog (LOL there are only a few of my readers going!) but I am pretty private - I don't have any pics of myself anywhere on the internet and I don't particularly want to be starting now!

People ask me if I'm going to the WoWinsider/WoWhead party on Thursday - I am pretty sure I won't be!  That stuff is for A-listers and I would be too scared to talk to any of them!  Apple Cider Mage will be there, and it would be nice to meet her in person too - I admit I am a little nervous because she can be rather fierce when she's fired up!

I would like to attend the Twisted Nether Blogcast meetup - I can meet some of the people whose podcasts I follow, or whose blogs I read.  I think I would like to go to that, but I am still a little shy!  I did email TNB today to ask if I can attend - and they said yes!

World of Podcasts will be having their do in our hotel (The Red Lion) and there are a few there that I listen to, so I would like to go down there and say hello - especially to Rho and Hasteur.  I'd be pretty awed to see Apsana and Skolnick from Darkmoon Herald but I'd be too shy to say anything to them. I want to get them to write something for Moogyver's young kids who listen to his podcast (though he could just get that done himself since he's a podcaster!)

Arv and Matty will be at Blizzcon, so I want to hang out with them, of course.  Xarek and Pell will be there, and I would like to spend time with our dear guildies from Dath'remar who haven't come across - after all, we wouldn't be at Blizzcon if it wasn't for them getting our tickets!

Shawndra (Escapist Crawl) and Katherinne (WoW Is in the Details) are also there and I would love to see them as well.

I even have some autographs to get!  Shab wants me to get a pic with Venruki - I will be watching some e-sports (ie arena tournament and SC2 if I get the chance) and Sodah said he would be at Blizzcon (he is playing in the tournament for Skill Banner)- gee, I wonder what they will think if I get them to sign the pic that I had commissioned of Shab, Sev and me?  Well, there is a meet the teams thing

Apple Cider mage has written a great survival guide - for a first (and probably ONLY) timer like me I want to try to do EVERYTHING so I can remember it all.  It's a long way to travel!

I will have to make a packing list like Shawndra has next!


  1. I'll admit to having some envy for those going to BlizzCon but I'm also excited for you and everyone else who's going. At least I'll get to see the cool stuff with the virtual ticket. Hope you have a great trip! I'm dying to see what new stuff is coming up :)

  2. You just reminded me that I haven't made a post of what panels I plan on going to. Only 2 weeks! And the week before filled with getting ready for Comikaze (another con). Blizzcon will be like a huge break after all the preparations!

    1. QFT... I need to publish my plans including throwing out the 2 sunday options I'm thinking of

  3. I'm sure you'll have a blast!

  4. Be sure to take pictures of OTHER people to show us, lol. I'm getting excited to just watch it through the virtual ticket.

  5. Ok, just posted up my Scheduled events.

    1. Probably help to put the url:

  6. I didn't realize you were going to BlizzCon. I hope I see you there!


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