Raiding: Wednesday - Lei Shen bashing again

I don't feel like we're getting anywhere.  I am hoping this week of practice will get us sorted out on the corners so it won't look so goddamn messy.

My hopes of Lush learning to tank it on his Monk were dashed as Bish didn't turn up, so Lush had to heal. Moo tanked up, and he had done it before so it felt ok, but we are still struggling on those corners.  My corner must be a lucky corner because we have no issues, but the other guys, especially the one with just Aza and a healer, seem to take a massive pounding.

I am tempted to switch corners to try healing it with everyone else to see what is the problem, but I don't want to jiggle things up and make people disoriented.  Last night we had the corners labelled different colours and that disorientated people already!

What concerns me more is that in a few weeks, Disco and Neri will be moving house.  This means that we will be a healer down for a few weeks at least.  We only have one offspec healer.  If Bish doesn't turn up to raid then we will be stuck for heals!  I think it's time I looked within our guild again for people who would like to step up to raiding, as I am really reluctant to recruit an outsider when we have so many casuals hanging around.

Asys has offered to heal on his shaman, but we need a tank.  If Raked turned up then we would have a tank.  But the other DPS classes are not hybrid classes.  2 hunters, 2 warlocks, a mage and a rogue - none of whom can take on any other role than DPS. Luxy is the only one who could but I don't really relish the thought of forcing people into an offspec role.  I will just have to wait and see what happens.

In other news, Lacrox has returned to WoW and shocked by the changes of a new guild leader, a whole bunch of unfamiliar faces and when he asked me what role I needed him in I said heals/DPS.  Not sure if he really wants to raid, but hey, couldn't hurt.  Will definitely try to grab him for flex though.  Now, off to inspect McTacky's gear...


  1. It sounded like frustrations were really boiling over last night :( Probably doesn't help if you have people constantly swapping roles! I have my fingers crossed for you all that tonight it all just clicks and you have your ahead of the curve achievements :)

    1. It was frustrating! And now with Disco and you not being around it's a little more tight. Bad timing I guess :( but hey real life has a way of doing things like that :)

    2. Bad timing indeed. I know it certainly caught me off guard when he came home last night and announced his intentions. Just over two weeks to organise an interstate move... BRB having a meltdown.

  2. We're having so much trouble even stepping INTO ToT lately! With the summer, people's vacations, teenagers working summer jobs, parents with kids who play sports on raid nights, school starting, etc etc etc! We're tearing our hair out as our usual raiders (including myself) are late or totally MIA. And it's hard to stress about it, because we're sort of a casual guild and all, and I'm one of those parents with kids playing sports on raid nights. Actually. I'm the only parent with kids playing sports on raid nights. /sheepish

    But how are we supposed to progress when we're constantly pulling in random pugs, low-geared level 90 guild members, tank/heal swaps. No one can learn to dance Salsa if the teacher is a bellydancer with two left feet. I feel your pain Navi. :/

    1. We are heading that way Anou :( It feels like how it was back on Dath'remar, struggling to make numbers. But, the upside is there are pugs to be had here, whereas there were none on Dath. Maybe I might find someone cool who's a keeper!

  3. Go Tacky Go! Heal all teh things!

    1. Aww I don't think Tacky has high healing gear!

  4. How are you dividing the quadrants? We had issues until our raid leaders decided to let the tanks each solo a quadrant and put 4 people in the other two.

    Overcharge and Static don't affect tanks, so the only thing I really need to worry about is if there are 2 bouncing bolts at once and even then I can hold an add until transition is over without much problem. Actually, the transition is the easiest part of the fight for me now, I just sit there bandaging myself.

    1. We have 2 tanks, warlock/healer, healer/dps/dps in each of the other 2 quadrants. But that's an interesting idea which I might put to the tanks. Thanks for that!

  5. Always feels like our healers are leaving us.


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