Raiding: Thursday - Small steps on Lei Shen but no candy yet

It's official.  No  more Disco for a while.  And I forgot Bish was not around for 2 weeks - was it a holiday or moving house?  I forget.  But we are down to me, as the only Mainspec heals and Lush as offspec.

Taloski kindly offered to heal for us, and he did great for his first time healing it!  I gave him a hard job - he had Green healing squishyshaman Luxy and papermage Xyn, and Lush went to heal Sev and Souglyy in Blue, and I was with Aza in Purple.

We still struggled on transitions for ages.  I see now why healers in purple take a pounding, but I switched to Heart of the Wild for the extra health and lay mushrooms tree form and we did ok in purple.  I suppose I could always use Might of Ursoc as well for the extra health in times of stress!

By the end of the night we were getting through the transitions, though Asys was feeling bad because he had some left right dyslexia and we had some punted bear over the edge.  We reassured him that Fue, our former GM and tank also had left right dyslexia so it must just be a tank thing.  But we got it down to 35% which is better than we had before because we weren't spreading and stacking for electric balls properly but it's looking better.

In the meantime, I am looking for a healer.  Taloski can't come on Mon or Wed, so that rules out most raid days.  I am looking through our guildies to see who would be suitable but nobody is geared enough yet.  Voros is still struggling for gear drops and I don't think he could commit to regular raiding yet, but he's keen for Flex.  However, with Flex we might get some of our casuals up to speed in gear so they could sub in when able.  Looks like I might have to pug for a bit.  At least on Saurfang there ARE pugs to find.

Either that or I move raids to Sunday.  But then Sabre can't come :(  Ugh, this stuff does my head in!


  1. That is great that you are getting him closer. The transitions are a pain but once everyone is really familar with all the abilties you'll be fine. I quite often blow all of my cds, tranq, tree and mushrooms on the transition phase alone and I'm always calling for the ppl in my quandrant to stand on my mushrooms when we have to stack for static shock; they work wonderfully for a big boost after it detonates.
    That seriously sucks about having to to find another person when you're so close, I'll keep my fingers crossed someone turns up soon that can step in.

    1. Thanks Z! I'll keep my fingers crossed too :)

  2. We feel terrible for not being available anymore! I was so excited to at least be a part of Flex and maybe step up to help once in a while, but that is pretty much out the window now. I even cancelled my WoW sub last night :'(

    I'm sure you guys will find someone else who can be the new Disco. Let's be honest, the stress of this move made him lose all his sense of humour anyhow :P

    1. Don't feel bad! We'll miss you but you'll be back one day.. right? RL has a funny way of making our wow life funny, but it's ok, we will always be here :)

  3. Ouch, that bites. I hope things come together and you can get him soon.


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