Minipost: Frustrating things about Pet Battles

If the first thing you reply upon reading this title is "Doing Pet Battles is annoying and boring" then this post is not for you.

I was making yet another mistake when pet battling that I thought it would be rather funny to write my list of frustrating things down, because I am sure most pet battlers of my calibre can relate to them!
  • Swooping down in a hurry to battle that rare pet before anyone else gets it only to find:
    • The pet is level 1 and you forgot you've got all your level 25s in your team
    • The pet is level 20 and you forgot you've got your level 2-6 team which you were using to catch that low level pet
    • You forgot to revive after that last battle and you only have one pet alive and it has 20% health
    • Your pet which never crits decides to crit and kill the thing you're trying to capture
  • You go to battle a Master tamer for the daily and the bag and
    • You've forgotten to change the spells of your pets to the optimum ones
    • You've forgotten to take out the right pets for this master
    • You swear, the computer selects their pet AFTER it knows what you're going to put out
  • Oh come on, 5 misses with a strong trap?  You have got to be kidding me...
  • You are trying to level your lowbie pet by getting it carried with high level pets (battling high level pets) and you forgot to bring it out before you killed the last one and therefore got no experience for any of your pets.
  • Missing 3 times in a row when you thought you were going to win and you get slaughtered
  • Getting all your pets killed while trying to get that rare pet
  • Having 2 or 3 rares in the group you are battling, and trying to figure out which one to catch when you don't have any of them rare
  • Finally finding a rare pet to capture and then realising you forgot to release the other 3 you had caught so you can't catch it
  • Realising there must not be any skill to pet battling at all when you watch your 4 year old daughter randomly press 1 to 4, and still manage to kill the opposing pets.
  • Battling someone with the same pet and the same level and your attacks all miss and theirs all hit...
  • You land next to a pet to battle it, pull agro on some other NPC in the near vicinity, you fight it and then accidentally kill the battle pet you wanted to battle with an aoe attack you did on the NPC.
So what frustrating things have you experienced?


  1. I had a habit of killing critters as I move through zones, and thought it was nice that they now show-up as green paws on the map.

    I can find them faster now. :) Just kidding.

    1. LOL Andrew! You know, that doesn't surprise me... you death and decay bringer :)

  2. I can relate to all of those.


  3. OMG! All of these! Well, except for the four year old daughter one at least I'm spared that one. And I can't believe how long it took me to just forfeit when I had the wrong team. I used to let my poor low level team get murdered because I didn't want to forfeit. What was that about, lol.

    1. I know, I am a big forfeiter now when I see I haven't put my heal on for my pets! Lucky there's no penalty.

  4. I've encountered all the same problems also...minus:

    " *Finally finding a rare pet to capture and then realising you forgot to release the other 3 you had caught so you can't catch it"

    I'm super anal about having more than one of any pet in my list. Now that I reached the "400 pets" mark that might change. If I feel I want to torture myself bad enough I might go and start trying to capture pets with different Breed IDs.

    " *Realising there must not be any skill to pet battling at all when you watch your 4 year old daughter randomly press 1 to 4, and still manage to kill the opposing pets."

    I have no children.

    " *Battling someone with the same pet and the same level and your attacks all miss and theirs all hit..."

    I no longer do the PvP battles. I got turned off PvP battles a while ago. I got sick of getting so many fights where other people were stacking low level pets with one high level pet and slaughtering my teams. RNG must really hate me because even when I would try to "stack the deck" in my favor the opponent would be stacked better and I'd still lose. :o(

    1. I have also not had the 3 pets full thing as I too am quite fussy about my pet numbers - it was something a friend of mine told me that she had done and it made me feel bad for her but it is something easy to do!

  5. All of the Above!

    Don't forget the "Duh" moment of realizing "I forgot I could just Forfeit! All that time wasted when I knew I had nothing to gain"

    How about flying to a stable master for a quick heal, but forgetting you're on your Hordie and all these angry Alliance types have just killed you?

    1. Oh yes! I have done that, fighting till I get my ass kicked and think, hey I could have just forfeited that!

  6. My most frustrating pet battle moment was finally finding a rare pet that I've been looking for and just getting it low enough to catch when I get ganked by some hordie. So I get yanked from battled and my toon dies. Pvp servers, what's not to love?

    1. OMG how stressful! It must be AWFUL around Minfernal...


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