(Mid)summer loving.. happened so fast....

Ok, this year the RNG gods better give me an Ice Chip.  I will probably hear stories from my guildies and throughout the blogosphere how they got it on 3 toons this year, and yay grats them but where's MY pet??

I did my Cataclysm and Northrend Midsummer Fires to get a few achievements, and it was nice to get some free achievement points with some easy gold.

But Ahune gave me a nice present today!  I hope that didn't use up all my luck for this year's Midsummer...

Now I need to go design a mog for it!  /rubs hand with glee


  1. I think your ice chip and my ice chip got lost in shipping somewhere!

  2. Sweet! I've never got anything of value off of Lord Ahune. :(

    But, maybe this Summer will be my Summer of Ahune Lovin'!


  3. @TotA - I think they melted before we could loot them those little buggers!
    @Zwingli - I never had either, but I hope this year will be a good one for you and me! LOL at the Summer of Ahune Lovin'!

  4. I just realized, I'll never get that for my Mage. This will be the last year that it's an 85 required dungeon and my Mage is only 66...

  5. Argh. That Ice Chip! Also elusive for me.

  6. @Quelynn - Welcome to the Ice Chip Envy club!

  7. Oh lordy I feeling bad now ... I just did a post how I finally got mine with a screenie and with the first bag LOL Isn't it possibly to sell them on AH now though? If so and I get a extra I'll be happy to give to you ^_~

  8. Summer ain't over yet Navi! Oh shit...just put your pet in my cocktail and stirred it with a curious looking pole arm...

  9. I'm gonna cry if I don't get my ice chip this year!!!

  10. @Nightvyxen - I will heal you for 4 achievement dungeons if you are able to give it to me! But I think the damn thing is BoP.
    @Matty - It's the middle of winter here, you'd think we would have more luck finding ice chips than you yanks in summer!
    @Pando - me too! So many people out there who don't care about it and they have it... why not us?

  11. Aww congrats! My fiance got it in his first bag too! I want but pally can't carry staff :(

  12. Don't hate me but...on Saturday I got the ice chip on my pally and the scythe on my druid! And with account wide pets going live in Mists...8D


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